Monday, February 3, 2014

Assignment 2, Typology Questions.

1.       Which building typology you are researching?
The building typology I will be researching for this project would be sport facilities.
2.      Why are you researching this building typology?
I am researching this typology because I would like to create a sports facility on one of the sites located in Red hook, and I believe that this typology will help me create something important for the neighborhood that will enhance Red hook and bring a rejuvenation after hurricane Sandy.
3.      What is the specialty of this building type you would like to research?
The specialty of this building type would be a sports facility with a diverse composition of sports and activities like; Soccer, weight lifting areas, rock climbing, water amenities and studios.
4.      What are the examples that you will be researching… list the examples, location and architect  (click over title to see link)
5.      What are you goals for working with this building type?
My goal for this facility is to develop my designer skills and ideas in order to create a facility that will gather a neighborhood together and bring people to this place to enjoy the splendid views we get to enjoy from this area.
6.      What are the program elements that you see included at this point in your building? (may  evolve once more research is done)
Some of the program elements that I’m able to see in my project are a swimming pool, a soccer field, gymnasium and rock climbing.


  1. Please give links to the examples you are planning on researching. It wil make it much easier for the reader. Here is another good example to look at

  2. Hi Jose. My name is Jonathan Morrison and I will be helping and offering advice to you this semester. To let you know some of my background, I am an Architect and also studio tutor at the University of Nottingham, UK. Your typology sounds interesting and the examples shown are certainly impressive from the exterior. What will be more important is assessing how the buildings work internally, in relation to how spaces need to connect, what size and volumes of rooms are needed where, and how issues of privacy and openness can be managed successfully. Try doing simple diagrams of internal connections needed and you will probably find that many are similar in their arrangement. Asside from this, think what other spaces might be beneficial to be included. You state that you want the project to be beneficial to the community so what accommodation do they need? Will teaching be required for mentoring etc? Perhaps look for more functional examples of buildings too such as Parc de la Ciutadella sports centre
    by Batlle i Roig Arquitectes, function will win over form in all situations when creating a successful and sustainable building.

  3. Hello José.
    My name is Eugénio dos Santos and like Mr. Morrison I will be one of your reviewers for this class.
    Could not agree more with Mr. Morrison. He is spot on. Do not let the fancy looks of some buildings fool you. Do some diagrams, sketch their interiors, see how spaces relate and you will be amazed. Some buildings will grow on you, others will probably be a disappointment.
    Function will always win over form.

    Keep up the good work.

  4. Hello Jonathan and Eugénio, I would like to thank you in advance for your time and help during this project. I will be taking your advice in consideration and I am willing to learn a lot from your experience and ideas. I am excited to work with you guys and hear your feedback throughout the semester.

  5. Hello Jose.
    You're welcome.
    I'm happy to help. I will try to be as quick as possible commenting on your new posts. That may be prove to be difficult at times if my workload increases (as I expect to in the next 2 to 3 months), but I will not give up halfway. I expect you to do the same.

    As a rule of thumb for the future (I wish somebody had given me some clues like this when I was your age):

    1 - respect your elders. :)
    2 - listen to other people's opinions, even if you do not agree with them;
    3 - take other people's opinions with a grain of salt. People do not know everything, not even teachers. Learn to live with criticism from others (and yourself). Do not let others opinions control over your work or your life. Looking back in a few years you will laugh at how clueless some people were;
    4 – do not be afraid to ask what you do not know. To your teachers, or any other professionals that might be helpful. Even if you think it might be a stupid question (but don’t set the bar too low…);
    5 – try to see the usefulness in received criticism, whichever their nature;
    6 – do not take it personally;
    7 – review your attitude;
    8 - be positive;
    9 - make the best out of your learning time in college;
    10 – do not be ashamed of you failures. See them as trial and error. In college every new work is a new blank page;
    11 - know your colleagues;
    12 - spend time with your teachers (because their time is scarce, valuable and disputed);
    13 – make connections;
    14 - read things other than architecture (but do not neglect architecture);
    15 – form is not everything;
    16- draw as much as you can. Write as much;
    17 –budget is something alien to most classes. So is physics.
    18 – do not be indecisive, take decisions;
    19 – do not procrastinate;
    20 - be proactive.
    21 – do not dodge problems that need to be solved;
    22 – do not excuse yourself for your failures, faults, or delays. Especially do not excuse yourself with others;
    23 – have as many girlfriends as you can now. Do not neglect them or your classes;
    24 – please take all the previous advices in consideration. Put some thought into them.
    25 - and last but not least, you will fail miserably at least at two of these sound advices.


  6. Hello Mr. Eugenio once again, I really appreciate your advise and wise words. I feel motivated for this upcoming project and with your help I am sure I will achieve my goals for this class.
    A little bit about my background I am born and raised in Ecuador, came here when I was 13 years old, now I am 24. I live in the city of Queens and it has been an enjoyable adventure in this field throughout this time.
    I will surely have in mind your list of advices hence the fact that we learn something new everyday. Thank you for your valuable time.
